Bel Air, Maryland (443) 741-2242
A Building Optimization & Energy Efficiency Solutions Provider since 2014
ABIAdvantage, A B I Advantage, ABI Advantage, abiadvantage
Energy Efficiency, Performance, & Optimization Solutions Provider
Think of ABI Advantage LLC ("ABI") as your go-to-provider for insight on your facility's existing lighting, HVAC, or other powered equipment, indoor air quality and water use. ABI can guide you with both recommendations and upgrade solutions, and be a sole source of managing and evaluating all of your utility data. Included herein is a variety of services we offer. Feel free to give us a call or send us an email to find out more.​
ABI Advantage LLC ("ABI") offers comprehensive energy management information services (EMIS), including Utility Bill Management (UBM) and Submetering services, such as tenant billing, to submeter individual units and equipment, improve overall performance, and help optimize and reduce your utility costs. With our expertise, you can better manage your energy resources and create a more efficient and cost-effective energy plan for your business.
Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) consist of powerful tools to help you make decisions about your building's mechanical and electrical equipment, water usage, and indoor air quality (IAQ) in your space. You may want to evaluate the past, the present or predict the future of your space's commodity use or the functionality of your equipment, meet the Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) for your area, exploring your company's environmental impact to meet Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria, or have some of your own ideas you want to see implemented to monitor performance.
ABI recognizes not all systems provide information in the way you need it or can best utilize it; therefore, ABI will work with you to find the best solution or custom approach to meet your needs. Whether you are just looking for analytics software or a fully hosted solution (such as our Analytics Based Commissioning Service, ABCx™ Service) or a mix of the two or more, ABI is here to help.
Please visit www.abiadvantage.com/emis to learn more about the variety of solutions we have to offer or contact us.
Local Utility Rebates & Tax Incentives
ABI works with local utility rebate programs such as the BGE Smart Energy Savers Program® which includes the potential to save up to 75% on energy efficiency services with a return on investment often less than two years through the Building Tune-up Program. There are programs for small and large buildings, and different types of programs such as HVAC, Lighting, and Monitoring Based Commissioning (MBCx). Contact us today to find out how we may help your facility.
More information about EmPOWER Maryland Program can be found here: https://energy.maryland.gov/Pages/Facts/empower.aspx
Tax incentives may be available to you depending on your specific upgrade's eligibility. The website www.Section179.org has some information explaining the deduction, calculating the deduction, and financing. Contact your trusted tax advisor to see if you are eligible for any Section 179 deductions and how best to proceed.
SkySpark® Distributor (VAD)
ABI is a value-added distributor (VAD) of the SkySpark Software for those whom wish to install SkySpark Software on their own server.
SkySpark is registered trademark of SkyFoundry, LLC.
More information may be found at www.abiadvantage.com/skyspark or www.abiadvantage.com/emis
SkySpark®, Haxall, and Axon Consultants
ABI specializes in providing custom SkySpark, Haxall, and Axon solutions for the built environment.
What is Haxall? SkyFoundry, LLC has made a portion of their underlying SkySpark Software open source and named it Haxall.
Both SkySpark and Haxall are built around the Haystack data model and are extremely efficient in handling historical data.
What is Axon? Axon is an underlying programming language used in both SkySpark and Haxall.
More information about SkySpark® software and SkySpark® Consulting may be found at www.abiadvantage.com/skyspark or about using SkySpark® for Energy Management Information Systems www.abiadvantage.com/emis
Please contact us with your specific needs.
ABI has a vendor page on StackHub, a resource for free and paid software add-ons. Visit our page at https://stackhub.org/org/abiadvantage to see what we have to offer or contact us to make a suggestion of what you want to see available.
eGoâ„¢ Wireless Sensors & other Sensing Products
Let ABI's eGo™ Wireless Sensors along with ABI's ABCx™ Service or EMIS solutions provide you with a connection to see what is going on inside your equipment to make more informed decisions. Some examples of the types of sensors we offer include electrical current, temperature, humidity, and pressure.
In addition, ABI is pleased to also offer a variety of water sensing solutions.
For a full list, please contact us.
Airborne Monitoring
Airborne Monitoring includes a group of products & services that together aid in monitoring the potential for airborne viruses in your building. For more information, including a white paper, visit www.ABIAdvantage.com/airbornemonitoring or contact us.
ABI offers Lighting retrofit solutions for existing buildings while possibly applying for prescriptive and custom rebates to offset costs. For more information, contact us.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EV)
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EV) can add value to your location's attendees who drive electric vehicles. The image shown is an example from one of our completed projects.
For more general information, see NREL at https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy21osti/78486.pdf or contact us.

Financing Options may be available for your project!
Constellation’s Efficiency Made Easy®
When considering energy efficiency projects, successfully choosing the right efficiency provider to help identify and develop solutions to meet your goals can be challenging, and is only part of the process – you also need to consider how to pay for these upgrades that provide long term benefits. That’s why Constellation created Efficiency Made Easy® (EME) — a solution that can play an integral role in achieving your strategic financial and environmental goals.
This unique, award-winning solution provides an opportunity to pay for these conservation measures with no upfront capital through monthly charges that appear as a single, fixed-price line item as part of your monthly competitive power or gas supply bill from Constellation. You can realize cost savings through a reduction in consumption and an improved load profile, which will positively impact future energy costs and the ability to meet environmental goals over time.
Commercial PACE (C-PACE)
The Property Accessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing mechanism can make energy efficiency and renewable projects on private properties more affordable by extending the payments over twenty years. Commercial PACE (C-PACE) is available for qualified commercial properties. For more information including how the it works and its advantages and disadvantages, please visit https://www.energy.gov/eere/slsc/property-assessed-clean-energy-programs or contact us.
Other Financing Options may be available
Contact us to find out more.